LIFE UPSIDE DOWN is the new feature film by writer and director Cecilia Miniucchi, who determined to ensure the best production of this unique project, has reunited the same team of her other feature films (“Expired” official selection at Sundance and Cannes, distributed in the U.S. and worldwide) and teamed up with producers Fred Roos (The Godfather, Lost in Translation, St. Vincent), Jeffrey Coulter (Expired, Freak Show) and Jason Rose (The Card Counter, Expired.)
LIFE UPSIDE DOWN was shot during the lockdown entirely in Los Angeles and was directed remotely via computers and iPads. No cast or crew was ever in contact with one another.
The film is about three couples, connected by friendship and working relationships, who are stuck in their respective homes, forced to face their respective spouses, lovers, and eventually... themselves.
It’s a unique achievement and a fast-paced entertaining dramedy to which we can all relate.